Bayer Unit Faces $100 Million Gender Bias Lawsuit
It is another in a spate of gender discrimination lawsuits filed recently against large corporations: last Monday a class action lawsuit was filed against Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals and its parent, Bayer Corp., both U.S. units of Bayer AG, alleging the company has engaged in various discriminatory behaviors against its female employees. (1)
The lawsuit, filed in U.S. Federal Court in Newark on behalf of six former and current employees, claims that the company discriminates against women in terms of salary, job opportunities and family leave. (1)
Specifically, the lawsuit claims Bayer’s female employees receive less compensation than their male peers, are denied promotion opportunities and are offered only opportunities for lower ranking positions. Such actions violate Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Equal Pay Act of 1963, and the Family Medical Leave Act, all federal laws; as well as the New Jersey State Family Leave Act and the Law Against Discrimination. (2)