Could You Be Responsible if Your Dog Causes A Traffic Accident? Possibly

A picture of my dog. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A recent national survey of pet owners disclosed that 39% of all households in the U.S. include at least one dog. (1) That equates to a lot of people enjoying the benefits of their canine companions, but with those benefits come responsibilities, some of which are not so obvious. If you need help sorting through the responsibilities and liabilities of dog ownership in Hunterdon County, the personal injury lawyers at Ragland Law Firm of Lebanon can help.
New Jersey has a dog-bite statute which holds the dog owner responsible if his or her dog bites anyone in a public place or on private property as long as the person bitten was on that property lawfully. Under this statute, the dog owner is strictly liable even if he or she had no knowledge of the dog’s potential for viciousness. This statute, however, applies only to dog bites and no other injuries that may be caused by the dog. (2)