Fatal Truck Accident Grasmere

(Photo credit: ER24 EMS (Pty) Ltd.)

Even the most skilled drivers can be involved in a car accident. How you react in the aftermath can mean the difference between an accident and a crime.

Accidents range from fender-benders to multi-vehicle pile-ups. Some result in damages only, while others can be fatal. (According to a State Police report issued on October 2, there had been five fatalities resulting from motor vehicle accidents in Hunterdon County so far this year.) (1) Whatever your situation, there are steps to take following an accident.

Hunterdon County Route 604 - New Jersey

Hunterdon County Route 604 – New Jersey (Photo credit: Dougtone)

After writing the article on “Drivers and Pedestrians Share Responsibility for Safe Roadways,” we learned that eight Hunterdon County communities will receive traffic warning signs as part of October’s “Hunterdon County Pedestrian Safety Month.” (1)

The signs, which will read “Stop for Pedestrians in Crosswalk,” will be on display in Califon, Clinton, Delaware (Seargentsville), East Amwell (Ringoes), Flemington, Frenchtown, Lambertville, and Milford thanks to HART Commuter Information Services. Other communities will update their existing “yield to pedestrian” signs with new decals. (1)

Pedestrians cross road in Mong Kok

Pedestrians cross road in Mong Kok (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

At least one Hunterdon County town is taking a stronger stand against motorists who fail to yield to pedestrians, and this action is bringing to light the responsibilities not only of drivers but of pedestrians as well. (1) If you have been involved in a pedestrian traffic accident, contact the Hunterdon County personal injury attorneys at Ragland Law Firm.

Recently it was reported that police in the Borough of Flemington would be taking a harder look at drivers who fail to yield to pedestrians in an effort to make the Borough’s streets safer, especially for children walking to and from school. Initially police would issue warnings to remind drivers of the State law and the consequences for ignoring that law. The warnings would be followed by tickets. (1) Similar actions are being taken further south in Atlantic Highlands, NJ where police recently acquired a grant from the New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety to be used for the education and enforcement of pedestrian safety measures. (2)


Cycling (Photo credit: tejvanphotos)

The agreeable weather of late summer and early fall brings a number of bike races to Hunterdon County. This, in turn, inspires the athlete in many of us to take to the roads on our two-wheelers. While this exercise is good for both the body and the environment, there are potential dangers with sharing the road with larger, faster motor vehicles. If, after reading the following, you need assistance with injuries suffered in a bike versus motor vehicle accident, contact the personal injury attorneys at Ragland Law Firm in Lebanon, N.J.

While bicycling may be good exercise, a quick search of local, online news services can highlight the potential dangers of this recreational activity.

New Jersey State Police

New Jersey State Police (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

New Jersey takes its campaign against drunk driving seriously and often beefs up its efforts around holidays, like the recent Labor Day weekend. (1) Penalties for driving under the influence are stiff and can severely impact your everyday life. If, after reading the following, you need the assistance of a Hunterdon County lawyer for a DUI traffic violation, contact the personal injury attorneys at Ragland Law Firm of Lebanon, N.J.

According to the New Jersey State Police website, there were 373 fatalities in 355 motor vehicle accidents so far this year as of the time this blog was written. (2) While not all of these accidents are attributable to drunk driving, many are. It has been reported that 20% of the traffic fatalities in the state in 2010 were related to alcohol use. (1)

Professional baseball bats are typically made ...

Professional baseball bats are typically made of ash or maple; hickory used to be popular, as well. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The family of a Wayne, NJ teen injured while playing baseball reached a settlement for $14.5 million in a lawsuit that questioned whether the use of metal baseball bats should be permitted in youth league games. (1) If, after reading the following, you need assistance with a similar situation, particularly in Hunterdon County, contact the personal injury lawyers at Ragland Law Firm of Lebanon.

In June 2006 Steven Domalewski, then 12 years old, was hit in the chest by a ball while pitching; the ball had been hit off of a metal bat. The ball hit Steven at the precise instant between heartbeats, sending him into cardiac arrest. Although CPR was administered quickly, Steven’s brain had been deprived of oxygen for more than 15 minutes. The incident left him brain-damaged and today, at age 18, he is still unable to perform daily functions independently. (1)

The batteries died in my speedlite and Ginger ...

The batteries died in my speedlite and Ginger thought it was now safe to look into the camera and smile. BURN! Pop up built-in flash! (Photo credit: colorblindPICASO)

You may consider Rover a member of the family, but the NJ State Supreme Court does not, at least when it comes to awarding emotional damages. If, after reading the following, you need the assistance of a Hunterdon County lawyer with an emotional damages lawsuit, contact the personal injury attorneys at Ragland Law Firm in Lebanon, N.J.

The ruling stems from a case first reported in this blog in August 2011. The case was filed by Joyce McDougall, who, while walking her Maltese-poodle mix in a Morris Plains neighborhood, witnessed the dog being mauled to death by another, larger dog. The owner of the second dog, Charlot Lamm, admitted liability. McDougall filed a lawsuit seeking the cost of replacing her dog as well as emotional damages from witnessing the attack. (1)

138-365 Retake of Daily Shoot DS132 Sidewalk Scene

138-365 Retake of Daily Shoot DS132 Sidewalk Scene (Photo credit: krossbow)

Who is responsible for maintaining sidewalks in New Jersey? The answer to that question is about as gray as the concrete the sidewalks are made from, but it can be very important to anyone involved in an accident resulting from a hazardous walkway. If, after reading the following, you need assistance with a slip-and-fall accident on a faulty sidewalk, particularly in Hunterdon County, contact Victor A. Rotolo and the personal injury lawyers at Ragland Law Firm.

Essentially sidewalks are considered public areas, meaning the public has the right-of-way to access that area without being at risk of trespassing. (1) As such, there is an obligation to keep those walkways safe and in good repair. Whose responsibility that is right now depends largely on what kind of property abuts the sidewalk.

New Jersey Route 12 in Hunterdon County.

New Jersey Route 12 in Hunterdon County. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The warm weather sees an influx of motorcycles on the State’s roadways and, with that, a greater potential for serious traffic accidents. If you or someone you know is involved in a motorcycle accident, particularly in Hunterdon County, the personal injury lawyers at Ragland Law Firm of Lebanon, N.J., can help.

According to the Federal Highway Authority, New Jersey sees about 2,500 motorcycle accidents each year; of those, 70 or more are fatal. (1) Motorcyclists in New Jersey are subject to the same rules and regulations as other motorists, including speed limits, traffic signals and road warnings. (2)

English: A cat on a car.

English: A cat on a car. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

There is lots of talk in New Jersey lately about distracted driving. Most of those discussions revolve around talking and/or texting on cell phones while behind the wheel. There is another form of distracted driving that New Jerseyans — pet lovers in particular — should be aware of. If you have issues or questions regarding distracted driving violations, particularly in Hunterdon County, the personal injury lawyers at Ragland Law Firm in Lebanon can be of assistance.

There is a law on the books in New Jersey that grants both police and animal control officers the right to ticket drivers whose animals are not restrained while riding in their cars or trucks. Violators can be fined between $250 and $1,000 for each offense, plus possible jail time. (1)

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