baseball-fan-injury-400-04973543d-239x300A day out at the ballpark is a popular summer family pastime but sometimes accidents happen. Foul balls and far-flung bats can find their way off the field and into the stands posing the risk of injury to fans. Recently, an 11-month-old child was hit by a foul ball while in attendance at a minor league baseball game. Fortunately, the child was quickly released from the hospital, but an injury like this is not an isolated occurrence.

While ballparks are taking steps to protect their fans from injuries, fans are reminded of their obligation to be on guard for potential hazards. To see what local NJ ballparks are doing and to learn what you can do to help yourself, read “After balls hits baby in face, a look at how NJ ballparks keep fans safe.”

rip-currents-400-04208127d-300x300For many who live in New Jersey, a trip to the beach is an enjoyable summer tradition, but fun can quickly turn to tragedy for those who don’t pay attention to surf forecasts.

Already this year, the Jersey shore has seen more fatalities and injuries related to rip currents than in all of the 2016 summer season. Rip currents are strong, swift channels of water that can carry swimmers out to sea before they even realize the danger. These currents move at speeds ranging from one to eight feet per second – faster than even an Olympic swimmer can swim. While rip currents rarely pull swimmers under water, they can pull them far from the shoreline. That’s when panic sets in. Swimmers who try to swim against the current tire out and can either drown or suffer injuries that require hospitalization.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) advises beach-goers to check the surf conditions before venturing into the water and, if you do get caught in a rip current, stay calm. See NOAA’s video for more rip current safety tips.

helmets-400-04409904d-300x200Does your child wear a helmet every time he or she rides a bike? What about when rollerblading or riding a scooter or skateboard? With summer approaching, these activities become more popular, affording children the opportunity to get both fresh air and exercise. That’s great provided children practice good safety habits.

Research recently showed that more than 425,000 children are injured each year as a result of wheeled sports. While broken bones are the most frequently reported injury, serious head injuries also rank fairly high, leading doctors to emphasize the importance of wearing safety helmets when engaged in any wheeled sporting activity.

On a positive note, the research showed a significant decrease in the number of bicycle-related injuries; however, injuries from another wheeled sport have been on the rise. Do you know which one? Read “Falls sent 426,000 kids to ERs in a year, new study finds” to find out.

drug-related accidents- photo of pills spilling from prescription bottlesAlthough alcohol-related accidents are on the decline, accidents involving drivers impaired by drugs – including prescription medications – are on the rise.

Statistics relating to drug use and fatal motor vehicle accidents are revealing. It isn’t always the use of illegal drugs or the misuse of prescription medications that is to blame; even those who use the drugs as prescribed can be impaired. Medications affect individuals differently. Many medications including sleep aides, pain relievers, stimulants, antidepressants and even over-the-counter medicines, can leave users feeling drowsy. Taken in combination, these drugs can have even more serious effects.

To better understand the severity of this trend and to learn ways not to become a victim, read “Prescription Drug Abuse Becoming More Common Reason for Accidents.”


dog-bites-mailman-400-07471430d-300x169As cliché as it may sound, dog attacks on mail carriers are a real issue and one that is growing.

Each year the U.S. Postal Service releases statistics on the number of dog attacks against its carriers in connection with National Dog Bite Prevention Week (August 9 – 15). According to this year’s figures, there were 6,755 dog attacks against mail carriers in 2016, an increase of 206 from 2015. The good news is that the severity of the attacks appears to be on the decline according to insurance claims.

The reason behind this increase? It could have something to do with the rising popularity of online retail sales, which has led to a double-digit increase in package business for the Post Office. To learn more about this growing problem and ways in which you can keep from becoming part of it, read “Dog Attacks on Mail Carriers Rise Again as Online Sales Boom.”

Distracted driving photo of arms of driver with one hand on steering wheel and the other operating a cell phoneDespite all the warnings about the dangers, drivers in the U.S. continue to operate cell phones while behind the wheel. In fact, according to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), about 660,000 drivers can be found using their cell phones in some manner at any given time.

Safety issues related to distracted driving have reached epidemic proportions over the past 10 years, resulting in an average of 3,000 deaths and 450,000 injuries due to distracted driving-related accidents each year. While cell phones represent only one of the distractions drivers face today, it is believed they divert drivers’ attention more often and for longer stretches of time than other distractions. Will adopting more laws restricting cell phone use cure this epidemic? Read “Liberty v. Tyranny: More States Pass Laws Outlawing Cell Phone Use While Driving” to reach your own conclusions.

Safety Sensors - photo of windshield of yellow school busAlthough a law requiring all new school buses in New Jersey to be equipped with sensors that would alert drivers if someone or something was passing in front of or behind their vehicles was signed more than a year ago, most school districts have yet to implement it.

Abigail’s Law, named after Abigail Kuberiet, a two-year-old who died in 2003 after being struck while walking in front of a school bus, was adopted in an effort to prevent similar accidents in the future. However, regulations regarding the implementation of the law are still under review by the State Department of Education. School districts are hesitant to install the sensors, estimated to cost between $1,750 and $2,500 per bus, until the regulations are released. To learn more, read “New Jersey School Buses Still Unequipped With Safety Sensors.”

boating-safety-400-04993540d-300x225The recent tease of warm weather has left people dreaming about resuming their favorite outdoor activities. For many, that includes recreational boating activities like fishing, sailing and even kayaking. The U.S. National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has warned, however, that a rise in the number of recreational vessels sharing the waterways with commercial vessels has led to an increased risk of boating accidents.

To help lessen the risks, the NTSB strongly suggested that the U.S. Coast Guard require recreational boaters to undergo safety instruction that meets standards equivalent to those set by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators. For more information on how the risk of accidents and injuries on our waterways has increased in recent years, read “Recreational Boaters Need Safety Training.”

Workplace safety - photo of worker at building site wearing yellow reflective vest and holding yellow hardhatInjuries in the workplace can prove costly for both employer and employee. Missed work, medical expenses and sometimes even legal costs all add up to create financial hardship for the injured party as well as the company held responsible for the injury.

Many workplace injuries can be avoided simply by employing some common sense strategies. Business owners may want to take the time to review their company’s safety policies to make sure they are comprehensive and that they are being followed. The article “7 Key Tactics The Pros Use To Avoid Workplace Injuries” outlines some steps to take to improve workplace safety.

Photo of top of open brown medicine bottle with black and red capsules spilling outThe New Jersey Supreme Court ruled that an Alabama man was entitled to the $25 million awarded to him by a jury in connection with his 2003 lawsuit against Hoffman LaRoche.

The original lawsuit claimed the man had become seriously ill after taking Accutane, a drug manufactured by the New Jersey-based pharmaceutical company for the treatment of acne. It further claimed the company did not properly disclose the potential effects and health risks of the drug.

The man was awarded damages in 2010. An appellate court overturned the verdict stating the lawsuit was filed too late under Alabama law.

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