Increased Patrols Aim to Discourage Driving Under the Influence

New Jersey State Police (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
New Jersey takes its campaign against drunk driving seriously and often beefs up its efforts around holidays, like the recent Labor Day weekend. (1) Penalties for driving under the influence are stiff and can severely impact your everyday life. If, after reading the following, you need the assistance of a Hunterdon County lawyer for a DUI traffic violation, contact the personal injury attorneys at Ragland Law Firm of Lebanon, N.J.
According to the New Jersey State Police website, there were 373 fatalities in 355 motor vehicle accidents so far this year as of the time this blog was written. (2) While not all of these accidents are attributable to drunk driving, many are. It has been reported that 20% of the traffic fatalities in the state in 2010 were related to alcohol use. (1)
Fortunately, not all DUI’s end in fatalities or even accidents but statistics show that driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs leads to other risky driving behaviors. Last year, police throughout the state made 1,437 drunk driving arrests. In addition, they issued tickets for the following violations: speeding (5,966); failure to use seatbelts (3,684), reckless driving (775); and driving with a suspended license (2,793). (1)
This past Labor Day weekend, additional patrol and checkpoints were set up to enforce the State’s “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign, with over 400 law enforcement agencies participating. (1) The patrols and checkpoints serve to discourage people from drinking and driving working towards getting those who don’t heed the warnings off the roads.
The penalties for driving under the influence range from fines of $250 to $400 and the loss of license for three months for a first offense to fines exceeding $1,000 and loss of license for 10 years for subsequent offenses. In addition to the aforementioned fines, there may be fees and surcharges as well as community service and/or prison time. (3)
Of course the best way to avoid these penalties is to not drink and drive. However, should you find yourself involved in a DUI violation, it is important to seek the counsel of a qualified attorney. If you or someone you know needs a Hunterdon County lawyer to assist in a DUI case, contact the personal injury attorneys at Ragland Law Firm of Lebanon, New Jersey.