
Ignoring the Fine Print May Cost You

It seems every time you open a website or engage in an online transaction these days you are presented with a lengthy Terms and Conditions document, which you’re expected to read before proceeding. Many of us are guilty of simply clicking “Agree” and moving on. But have you ever wondered what rights you may be signing away by doing this? A New Jersey couple recently learned the answer to this the hard way.

The couple had been seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident when the Uber they were riding in ran a red light. A New Jersey high court recently denied their right to sue the ride-share company for their injuries. Why? Because a couple of months prior to the accident the couple’s minor daughter used her mother’s phone to order a pizza through Uber Eats. While using the app, she checked a box agreeing to waive trial rights. To learn why it’s important to read the fine print before agreeing to terms, read “Couple can’t sue Uber after daughter clicked away trial rights on Uber Eats.”

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