
Articles Posted in DWI/DUI


Can Technology Help Win the Fight Against Drunk Driving?

Despite all the driver education programs, the Drive Sober campaigns, and the strict penalties, drunk driving is still one of the leading causes of all traffic fatalities in the U.S. In fact, in 2023 DUI-related traffic accidents resulted in more than 13,000 fatalities, or 35% of all traffic-related deaths that…


NJ Fatal Accidents Continue to Increase; DUIs Now Noted as Leading Cause

Fatal traffic accidents in New Jersey have increased for the third consecutive year, according to a recently released NJ State Police report analyzing traffic accidents in 2021. A total of 667 deadly accidents occurred in the state that year; of those, 210 accidents were said to have been the result…


Under NJ Law, Driving Is Not A Requirement for A DWI Conviction

You might assume that in order to be charged and convicted of a DWI or DUI you would need to be driving a motor vehicle, but that is not necessarily the case in New Jersey. Recently, a New Jersey State Appellate Court upheld the DWI conviction of a man who…


Should New Jersey Revise Its DWI Laws?

New Jersey lawmakers once again are backing a proposal to revise the State’s drunk driving laws in an effort to increase safety without putting undue pressure on violators. Under the proposal, the new law would require everyone convicted of a DUI/DWI violation to install an ignition interlock device in their…


Lawsuit questions validity of thousands of New Jersey DWI convictions

Since a Supreme Court ruling in 2008, breath tests have been admissible in court as proof of a driver’s impairment in a DWI case. However, certain criteria must be met in administering these tests for the results to be considered valid evidence. It is these criteria that are the basis…


Driver Inattention Cited as Leading Cause of Fatal Accidents in N.J. for Fifth Consecutive Year

For a long time, safe driving campaigns focused on stopping people from drinking and driving. Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over; Don’t Drink and Drive, Arrive Alive; Friends Don’t Let Friends Drive Drunk; U Drink, U Drive, U Lose are some of the more memorable slogans used to discourage this…


December is National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month

Each year for the past several years the National Highway Traffic & Safety Administration (NHTSA) has designated December as National Drunk & Drugged Driving Prevention Month to reinforce the message that driving while impaired by drugs or alcohol is a risk to everyone on the road. In connection with this…


Bill Would Encourage Parents to Think Twice Before Drinking and Driving with Children on Board

Parents who drink and drive with children in their car may face tougher penalties than other drivers who drink and drive alone or with other adults in their car. A proposed bill to make the stiffer penalties a law is currently under consideration in New Jersey. New Jersey Assemblyman Charles…


Will Ignition Interlock Devices Replace License Suspension for New Jersey Drivers?

A new bill pending approval by the State Legislature could trade license suspensions for installation of ignition interlock devices (IIDs) for New Jersey drivers convicted of driving under the influence. Although the bill was approved by a special panel of the State Assembly last month and an equivalent bill was…


Motorists Are Reminded to Drive Sober This Holiday Season

Police officials throughout the State are making efforts to ensure that holiday revelers stay safe this season by remaining sober when behind the wheel. The New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety invested over $600,000 in this year’s “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign, which will be enforced now…

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